
IELTS Speaking Test Australia Questions & Answers

Describe an App that You Think is Useful | What You Need to Know

Describe The Stage/Age In Your Life You Enjoyed The Most

Describe someone you lived with IELTS Cue Card | How to Answer

Describe Something You Bought But Don't Often Use | IELTS Speaking Part 2

A time when you missed an appointment | New Speaking Topics

Describe a situation where you had to be polite | New Speaking Topic

IELTS Cue Card - Describe something you want to learn more about

Can You Describe An Unforgettable Occasion/Event in Your Life?

What types of music do you like to listen to?

Describe a person who has done a lot of work to help people

Describe Your First Mobile Phone Cue Card Example Answer

Describe a Person/ Something That Made You Laugh

Describe a Piece of Electronic Equipment You Find Useful

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Describe Your Favorite Song

Speaking for IELTS Cue Card - A child you spent time with